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Case Study

Julia's Star Foundation

Imagining a character as fun and vibrant as this life-saving children's charity..

Julia's Star
Illustration for Apparel
Business Type
Pediatric Cancer Charity
About the Client

Julia's Star Foundation is a charitable foundation that aims to increase awareness of pediatric brain cancer, fund research to find a cure, and offer emotional and financial support to pediatric cancer patients and their families.

  • The Challenge

    The client needed a vibrant, fun illustration to help draw sign-ups for their annual 5k charity run event, especially as the Covid-19 pandemic forced a conversion to a virtual race.

  • Services Provided
    • Concept Sketching
    • Vector Artwork
    Apparel Design
    • Illustration for Screenprinting
    • File Delivery
    • Vendor Handoff
  • The Results
    Race Sign Ups
    • Event secured comparable number of sign-ups despite change to virtual event due to COVID-19
    Fundraising Goal
    • 5K Event secured targeted fundraising goal